Santa Bernarda – 2024

Let's Discover The Caves & Ocean Together!
Explore a day of adventure and fun on the unforgettable pirate ship Santa-Bernarda.
Santa-Bernarda takes you to visit the most beautiful caves and grottos at the Algarve coast line, including the famous Benagil cave. We travel comfortably on our caravelle from Portimão to the caves, where you go with our small boats to visit the caves. We also offer full day tours with BBQ on the beach and private charter arrangements.

Horário de Funcionamento
26/08 2f/ Mon/ Mo 09:00 e 11:30 e 14:30 e 17:30Horas
27/08 3f/ Tue/ Di 09:00 e 11:30 e 14:30 e 17:30Horas
28/08 4f/ Wed/ Mi 09:00 e 11:30 e 14:30 e 17:30Horas
29/08 5f/ Thu/ Do 09:00 e 11:30 e 14:30 e 17:30Horas
30/08 6f/ Fri/ Fr 09:00 e 11:30 e 14:30 e 17:30Horas
31/08 Sab/ Sat/ Sa 14:30Horas
01/09 Dom/ Sun/ So 14:30Horas

Local de Embarque Cais Vasco da Gama, em frente ao Clube Naval de Portimão.

Caves of Benagil
Visit the famous Caves of Benagil in the morning.
Adults: 35€
Child: 20€
Duration: 3h
Caves of Benagil in the afternoon.
Visit the famous Caves of Benagil in the afternoon.
Adults: 35€
Child: 20€
Duration: 3h30

Santa Bernarda SUNSET
Visit the famous Caves of Benagil in Sunset.
Adults: 35€ Child: 20€ Duration: 3h

Robinson Tour
Experience a full day adventure with BBQ on the beach.
Não disponível de Momento
At the moment is not available
Adults: 70€
Child: 40€
Duration: 8h
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